
Showing posts from July, 2024

16 Here I am Again...

I love you Lord Jesus, you are gracious... holy and true. Here I am again pouring my heart out to you... Let your glory fall upon this earth allow the worshipers to arise from the north, south east and west... we long to be with you and adorn you with our praise humble us Abba... Let your glory fall upon us we enter into that holy place before you... lead us and guide us Holy Spirit, our hearts cry out for more of You holy, holy, holy are you Lord Let your Holy Spirit fall strong upon us. deliver us from all our hurts and fears we pray... Let your glory rest upon us

15 No Matter What...

My soul is calling out for you Jesus, in a dry and weary land. I am reaching out...  the prayers of my heart come before you. Please give me a drink of that life-giving water. I need your courage  that boldness to stand up for you no matter what happens... I need your Holy Spirit's power. Give me that mantle of anointing and help me to go forth into what you have prepared for me... I need that Holy power to saturate and sustain me to overcome the world and the devil... For my struggle is not against flesh but dark spiritual forces set against me... Help me to take a firm stand in your royal armor and fight  

14 Even Deeper into Your Grace

Draw me Abba by Your Holy Spirit Hide me in Your Secret Place nearer to you is what my heart desires... cover me in Your awesome presence. Oh, Jesus I desire to rend my outer garments of toil and strife... to be clothed with you more than anything else! Draw me even deeper  into Your Holy Place  where you are seated... Oh, Most High just to abide under the shadow of Your wings For I desire to be holy as You are my Abba... Baptize me in your grace... I surrender to your strong hand, yielding unto your Holy Ghost... I lift my hands to you Abba as your child, Lift me up out of this mire... cleanse me in your holy water, wash my sins away as I press in closer to you... I Love you Abba forever... more than ever... Draw me even deeper into Your grace is my hearts prayer!!!    

)13( Forever Home…

  I’m longing for that eternal home… For this temporary earthy house i s not my true permanent home… I long for that city where joy never ends… Where I can be with Jesus,  f ace to face. Splashing in the waters  of his grace… That place of continual worship  at the foot of your throne… That’s where I long to be. Take me away to that place, I just want to be with you... I know I’m not alone here Your presence surrounds me But one day very soon  I will be where you are… What a day of rejoicing  that will be To get to see Your face  and to feel your close embrace… Just to stand in your holy place Forever home…

(12). Lead Me Jesus

In the presence of Jehovah, I let You dispel all my fears, holding me close to Your heart... I can feel Your proximity, and I place my trust in You completely. Guide me to ardently pursue You, Lord God, for You will never abandon me... You have summoned me by name, and I will heed Your call. Lead me, Jesus, and I will follow You eternally, I yield to the plans You have for me, I seek Your healing for my mind and heart... that I may advance with Your bravery. Forgive me, Abba, when I stray on my own path, and fall short of Your grace for me... Guide me on Your eternal path. Only by Your grace do I enter Your sacred space.  

(11) I Love you Abba

All blessings and glory to You, my Abba,  You are the rock of my salvation. I adore You, And worship at Your feet. I love You And give my all to You, My great Jehovah. Like a deer that pants for water, My soul longs for You, Abba, To be in Your courts for all eternity, Just to worship at Your mercy seat. I long to hide in that secret place, To be unveiled by Your awesome grace. Holy, holy, holy are You, Lord, Worthy of all my thanks and praise. Show me Your glory, Allow me to be transformed into Your likeness. I yearn to be more like You, I humbly come before You, Abba, Casting all my anxieties upon You.

10 Your Name...

Praise Your Name Lord Jesus, we praise your name.. . on the mountain heights, proclaiming liberty to captive hearts by Your Holy Spirit. For it is nothing we can do, for its in Your mighty strength... where we find the grace to endure . Even in the lowest valley... We honor your name above all other names, We come before you in Spirit and truth. Bring us into Your courts... And let us see the brightness of Your glory. Shine Your Holiness upon us, change us into Your likeness of Your Son. Let our cries be heard We want more of You today  and everyday... Let our praise be heard in Your ears. as we worship and magnify your name!