Give Me Boldness

 All I am...

is hidden in you my Jesus…

Take away all fear,

And grant me the courage,

To stand up for You…

Forgive me when I am too quiet…

Give me the boldness,

To share Your heart

With those I am around today…

Help me to speak only what you speak

Through Your Holy Spirit…

Help me to listen

And speak only what You tell me…


Wait upon Me says the Lord…

I will give you 

Anointed words

From ABBA’s heart…

If more of my followers listened for My voice

And spoke 

What they heard…

My words will not return void 

but produce righteous fruit…

Speak love and joy,

Speak peace,

Righteous and Words of grace…

Will flow like a river out of your soul…


Jesus, help me to speak up... 

to be counted worthy of your honor.

I worship you above all else…

I will not bow to any other vice.


Come Lord and take us home…


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