I Am Ready Now...

 I was sinking deep in the mud...

 and mire of my sin.

When you came along, 

 pulling me out of that deep pit 

of self-destruction.

I was going down a dead-end road…

All the signs said turn around.

But I was hellbent on having my own way…


But then out of the blue,

You stopped me in my tracks...

Your great grace found me in all my sin.

In Your mercy you redeemed me 

out of that dark place.

You shone a great light upon me Jesus,

And you rescued me from myself…


Thank You Jesus for saving my soul…

Granting me sweet victory.

I would not have lasted on my own…

Thank you for being My master, 

And my friend…

Help me to 

Never take that victory for granted…

Reaching out, 

You rescued me

And I am eternally grateful…


 I am blessed with the victory of Jesus.

It is so sweet to bask in the Presence...

of the great champion of my soul.

Make me into that warrior…

As I stand firm in all You are.

I am ready for the battle now…

May you find me vigilant,

And ready for what

Comes my way…


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