Your Abiding Presence 28
The presence of the Lord Jesus is more powerful,
than the yokes of sin may seem...
Come before us now sweet Shepherd,
empower us in Your mercy and grace.
When we come to You,
burdened with the anxiety and stress of this life...
Your presence breaks off that heavy yoke
as we bask in the grace of Your light...
For Your presence is more powerful than any dark force
that may plot against us,
Your presence gives light and peace...
protecting us from the dark places
of hopelessness and depression.
Oh, Jesus let us rest in the
the tangible power
of your presence...
As we come to you in worship
pour down your grace
gifting us with your great treasure
of your unlimited presence upon us now.
Let your presence go before us
with all Your holy might
By the Spirit of the Living God
lead us into your holy light.
Only by the power of Your abiding presence
will you lead us Sweet Shepherd of our souls.
Thank you...
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