Face to Face

 I will seek You this day,

to see your piercing gaze of love

and the smile on your face...

I don't deserve you,

As I hang my head in shame

You're reaching out now...

your arm extending

as your nail scarred hand

touches my chin

lifting up my face to see your face....

I am just a lowly servant before you Jesus

I am not worthy of your love...

but you have called me brother

and sealed me with Your Spirit from above...

I bow now in humble reverence and holy fear

unworthy of your touch of grace...

only by your great blood

all my sins are erased.

I long to hear your voice this day my Jesus

for that is my greatest desire.

So many voices to contend with...

My prayer is that Your voice prevails...

over all of the others

that come to distract and divide.

I bow before your throne,

and lock my eyes with your eyes

and listen to what you have to say...

I know it is very important to hear You Jesus

by the power of Your Spirit of might.



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